Right to Rule for Americans.

right to rule

I am not talking about the Divine Right of Kings, I am talking about the Right to Rule as envisioned by our Founding Fathers who were against Tyranny in any form.  In our constitution it wasn’t a king who was imbued with Divine Authority it was the American Citizenry.  The Body of Law is created by the Citizenry and it is the responsibility of the Politician to enforce the Law that the Citizen has voted on.  They are not kings, they don’t get to create Law by Fiat or refuse to enforce Law they don’t like.  Through our Social Contract we can we are all bound by the Authority of Reason

Politicians in Sanctuary states are not only refusing to enforce the Law they are inviting people into the country who aren’t Citizens and catering to them while neglecting the American People.  This isn’t Democracy it is a form of Tyranny.  It isn’t just that. Liberal Progressive Mayors and Governors are telling the Police to stand down and not enforce the Law when ANTIFA attack people who are invited to speak or have obtained a license to protest.  Worse than that they are actively shunting the Law Abiding citizens into a direct conflict with these violent, armed, anarchists.  This is worse than a dereliction of duty it is a conscious act of Sedition

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

A Treatise on Emotion

zen monk

Many people are addicted to emotions.  Many people are controlled by their emotions instead of controlling their emotions.  This is the difference between an animal and a human.  Humans control their emotions.  Some animals are wiser than men.

Emotions function like a carnival mirror.  They distort, shade, and color how we see things around us.  They distract us, they obsess us, they lie to us.  Science is done analytically not emotionally.  If you are doing science emotionally you are doing bad science.  A peer reviewed paper was recently published which blamed the penis for global warming.  The only problem is that article was written as a hoax in order to expose a bias in the scientific community. (the Sokal Hoax)

The Ataraxia of the ancient Greeks, Zen, and Nirvana are all the same thing.  They aren’t some deluded fruity spiritualism, they are a coming to rest in the faculty of Reason and a willing submission of the emotion to that Authority.  The “peace of god that excels all thought” is the Christian version of this altered state.  We are not born human, we attain to being human.  We are born an animal and we only procure a soul when we are capable of rising above our animal nature.  This doesn’t mean radical pacifism because that is irrational and unsustainable.  Every group that depended on others being guided by Reason throughout history and didn’t protect themselves with physical violence was eventually wiped out by a group of psychopaths.  The Jews in NAZI Germany, he Buddhists in China, and many others that we no longer even remember.

If you are in a negative emotional state, don’t do anything.  Never move from a negative emotional state. The Negative Emotion will become your Motivation and the fruit that it produces will be bad. 

Instead have a controlled, conscious, and willful sensation of positive emotion.  The Taoists referred to this as the “Inner Smile”.